Waterproof your Smartphone NOW

Waterproof your Smartphone NOW

Accidents happen,accidents are inevitable specially with mobile phones , and most of those accidents involve water. We all know that most of modern phones can resist light drops and rain . But when you accidentally drop your phone in the bath , or fall in a swimming pool your phone will need more protection against water .

 Waterproof your smartphone just like Sony did to its latest product the Sony Xperia Z, but in a different way .. by getting it to a shop called TechJacket that waterproofs your phone protecting it from water leak in a simple way ! This shop whose founder is Marc Regan can waterproof your phone in a quick way and not just smartphones but also tablets , laptops ,RAMs and in the future you will be able to protect almost anything electronic.
The Techjacket watershield water-resistant coating will cost you $55 per phone in case you wanted your phone back in the same day , and only $45 if you dont mind to wait a day or more.

For more information visit :  http://www.techjacket.co.uk/

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