A gift from the 2000AD Forum!

A while back Dale, who is known on the 2000AD forum as Fatboydale came up with a diabolical scheme. He had seen a piece of original Dredd art on ebay and decided that I should have it. He then went onto the forum and did a shout out for people to club together to buy this for the Cellar. Here is the actual thread Begging for CF new art
I looked at the link on ebay and was shocked at the Dredd in front of me, especially as all I could see was his milk tash (or what I thought was a milk tash). Anyway, I thought his nefarious plan would crash and burn but it soon gathered momentum and one day it arrived at my abode. Heres a picture to show what I think of the picture and youll notice taht I didnt do any titles or music for this short video. It does NOT deserve any extra effort on my part if you ask me!
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The following video shows me opening the parcel and seeing this amazing piece in the flesh.
And now for some close ups, just so you lot dont escape this superb modern master!


I wont thank the following people for helping in this terrible crime:-
Dale Jackson,
Mark Spencer,
Stephen Watson,
Kevin Symonds.
Iain Snell,
Tom Proudfoot,
David Rees,
David Stoddart &
Jacob Howard
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