Mark IVs From The Tank! Expansion

The Tank! expansion for The Great War boardgame comes with four Mark IV male and female British tanks as part of the box set. I had already painted one (along with the Kickstarter bonus tanks) as a tester, but then painted the other three to finish them off. As with the other vehicles I got with the Kickstarter, deal, I did a basic paintjob on them.

This involved inkwashing the green plastic and painting the tracks and unhitching beam. The beam was painted in Vallejos Stone Grey then inkwashed in brown. The other details of my painting can bee see in this previous blog post about the Whippets.

The detailing on the models is really well done and the rivets and seams, etc. stand out very well and take to an inkwash. As with all of PSCs products, they are a pleasure to paint.

These are the last British tanks from the expansion, there are only the German A7Vs left to paint. I will apply the same techniques to those vehicles as well and hopefully they will turn out OK!

In other news, I am selling some old Games Workshop box sets on EBay, if you are interested click the links below to see more:

Space Hulk 1st Edition (German version)

Space Hulk 1st Edition (German version, without intructions and scenarios book)

Judge Dredd/40K Floorplans

Warhammer Fantasy Battle Magic Box set

Dont forget I am still selling pre-painted rubble as well!

I also have the following games for sale, leave me a message below with a contact email if you are interested in any of them and I can give you a price (the pictures are the games I have, what you see, is what you get!):




Iron Men and Wooden Ships

Warlords: China in Disarray 1916-1950


Statis Pro Football

MechWar 77


Battlefield: Europe

A Mighty Fortress

Mine a Million

Election X

Elder Secrets of Glorantha (Runequest expansion)

H.P. Lovecrafts Dreamlands (Call of Cthulhu RPG expansion)


Thanks for reading!
